The EURAKNOS project

Creating a European innovation in agriculture e-knowledge platform.

EURAKNOS is a European project, funded by H2020, to maximise the agricultural innovation knowledge base by building an e-knowledge platform to enable the rural community easier access to best practices from all EU H2020 Thematic Networks. It will achieve this by bringing all output from 29 existing thematic networks together, building connections between them and end-users to share results, learnings and best practices across all the networks, and their rural communities, covering different countries, regions and production systems.

The network will exchange approaches, methodologies and tools. In order to maximise engagement with farmers and practitioners, EURAKNOS will analyse the impact of thematic networks and identify optimal approaches for future thematic networks. To do this, EURAKNOS will explore the needs of end-users and the possibilities of creating a European agricultural knowledge innovation open source system connecting all thematic networks.

EURAKNOS ultimate aim is to make knowledge more accessible, findable, interoperable and reusable across the agricultural innovation community.

EURAKNOS has developed to form a sister project EUREKA, read more about this project.

How does EURAKNOS operate?

The RAU is one of 17 partners brought together from ten European countries to deliver EURAKNOS. All partners have relevant innovation expertise in agriculture and forestry, with nine partners already coordinators of ten thematic networks across four cross-sectoral themes of crops, livestock, forestry and horizontal.

EURAKNOS is a H2020 multi-actor project and includes: academia, advisory centres, government institutions, SME, NGO and farmer organisations. Some partners are involved in the European Rural Development Network and others are involved in other relevant H2020 proposals or have strong links with relevant European (e.g. EIP-AGRI, COPA-COGECA, EUFFRAS, member of SCAR SWG-AKIS group) and international organisations (e.g. FAO, OECD, the European Agroforestry).

EURAKNOS in summary 

  • The project has a two year duration and started in 2019
  • The consortium comprises 17 partners from ten countries across Europe
  • It will collect data from 29 existing thematic networks
  • 2 101 286,25 € of budget

Creating a knowledge resource

April 2020

EURAKNOS project shares its vision for an EU-wide open source knowledge reservoir for agriculture and forestry. Read the press release and view the vision paper.

You can also listen to a recent podcast about farmer-led innovation from Professor David Main at the RAU.

Follow EURAKNOS on social networks:

You can find out more about the EURAKNOS project here.

EURAKNOS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 817863.