Preparing for September

05 Jun 2020

A full and memorable university experience in a safe, welcoming and enjoyable environment.

The RAU plans to open its campus fully to new and returning students in time for the start of the new academic year in September.

Teaching arrangements will comprise a blend of large group sessions and lectures delivered online, with small group seminars and practical sessions delivered face to face in suitably adapted spaces on campus.

Facilities including the library, study areas, catering outlets and sports pitches will be available with a range of robust protective measures in place for the safety and wellbeing of students and staff and the wider local community.

We have a spacious campus in a rural location and working in consultation with our Students' Union, we shall uphold the tradition of quality associated with our students’ experience.

Our plans take into account advice from government and a range of external bodies across the sector. 

If the Covid-19 situation changes then these arrangements may of course need to alter in accordance with government guidance. However, rest assured that we have a dedicated team of staff planning for different eventualities and we will keep students and staff updated.

At the RAU students are our priority

We will have a range of robust safety measures in place from September and will contact current students and offer holders directly with further details in coming weeks. In the meantime, here are some key updates:


The campus will be Covid secure, in line with the latest Government guidance and best practice. The health and welfare of everyone at the RAU is our number one priority.

Freshers’ Week and Induction

We know the first week at University is really important and we always do all we can to ensure everyone settles in and has a good time. We have a great Welcome and Induction Week planned which we highly recommend you attend so that you can find your way around the university.

Exact details will be sent directly to offer holders in due course but here are some highlights:

We will be staggering people’s arrival on campus so you can all move in safely, and the fun will start as soon as you get here!

  • You will feel part of our RAU community from day one, with our friendly STARS team of student mentors to support you and our great Students' Union officers also on campus
  • Formal registration onto your programme takes place which enables you to access your student finance
  • There will be an academic induction, including the opportunity for you to spend time with your programme manager, and a range of other activities during the days such as meeting the Vice-Chancellor

The evenings will feature events such as movie night, a pub quiz and an agri-themed party, all designed to be maximum fun whilst also ensuring your safety.


Teaching arrangements will comprise a blend of large group sessions and lectures delivered online, with small group seminars and practical sessions delivered face to face in suitably adapted spaces on campus.

Our teaching and learning team have developed a framework for how these will be delivered in consultation with the Students’ Union, who have provided valuable feedback to help make sure you get the best learning experience.

We will be able to provide students with more details regarding what each week of Semester one will look like once the timetable has been finalised, which we anticipate will be in the middle of August.

An element of face-to-face delivery is planned for every module, with appropriate social distancing and safety measures in place.

Student life

The Student Union are working with the University to plan more on-campus activities than ever before, with appropriate safety measures in place. We want to make sure that there are plenty of fun and engaging activities taking place on site for all students, whether they live on campus or not.

The RAUSU and University are eager to make sure that the freshers' experience is safe and enjoyed by all!


The Halls of Residence are being arranged into households to reduce the need for social distancing in communal kitchens and lounges. Each household will have a STAR (Support Team Advisor Representative) on hand to help out, who will be with you from day one.

The University intends to offer on-site accommodation to all new students who wish to reside in halls. If you would like to live on campus and haven’t applied yet, please get in touch with Accommodation Officer, Sarah Hall, as soon as possible by emailing as we have a small number of rooms currently available.

There is also an option for new international students to carry out any required quarantine on campus before the term starts. Please contact for more information.

Returning international students who wish to quarantine on campus should contact as soon as possible.


We are encouraging all students to test before they travel to University, either through a local community testing programme or by ordering free tests on-line:, then again upon arrival and twice weekly thereafter. 

For Covid enquiries contact

Any questions?

The University will continue to keep current and prospective students, and staff, updated with more details as plans develop.

We can’t wait to see our students back on campus in September. There really is no place like Our RAU!

In the meantime, if you require further information please contact us: